So, lately I've been swamped with school projects this quarter which hasn't given me a lot of time to work on anything I actually want to work on. With that being said, instead of posting anything new pertaining to this project I have decided this post will be dedicated to revisiting a self portrait project that I worked on during my senior year of high school for my portfolio class.
Instead of simply posting pictures with a description for each I decided to do something a bit different. I've noticed a few artists who have posted images or made downloadable PDF's of their portfolios for clients or admirers to view. These are really great because it gives other creative people a chance to learn about the creative process they went through in order to achieve the end result. Inspired by this I decided to make a portfolio of my own with steps describing the process I went through so that anyone else willing to experiment would be able to do something similar by applying the technique I used to their own art.
After finishing this project a friend my father works with saw it and sent me a link concerning two other artists, David Spriggs and Xia Xiaowan. Both of which have a series dedicated to paintings on glass. However, their paintings as oppose to mine are much more life-like and expressive in technique and aesthetic than my the art that I've chosen to display in this post. Their art made me really want to work harder and expand my skills. Its pretty mind blowing and visually stunning, check it out.
Let me know whats up. Constructive criticisms and questions are always welcome.
-Stay Tuned