Friday, February 10, 2012

inb4track Logo / Banner

I recently designed a logo / banner for inb4track, a music review blog about independent /mu/sicians that I and a mess of other people write for. I thought it would be nice if the site had a logo of it's own so I created one. Once again going off of the triangulated Andy Gilmore inspired theme, I designed the type around a triangular pattern. 

As for the design, the logo is pretty much self explanatory. The name of the blog plays off of the 'inb4' meme, a popular internet meme used on internet forums that generally refers to a person posting a reply, a thread, or a statement 'before' another user post an obvious and often times critical response. 'Inb4' is followed by a single word (i.e. 'track') or a short phrase that will indefinitely appear in the topic.

The 'b4' was substituted with a set of arrows that doubles as the rewind button on a cassette or CD player. I experimented with multiple color pallets and variations in placement of color beside color with the end result ultimately coming down to the combination you see above. All of the colors are slightly dulled to what I feel is colorful and fun without being gender biased or appealing on a male or female basis. In other words I feel like this is a logo that works in the context of what the blog is about.

Check out the page and let me know what you think of the design:

On Repeat: Mont Saint Michel - Sediment, Dementia & Hope Trails - Parts of the Sea I & II, Caust - Page Turner, Studying / Carved Our Names In Snow split