Sunday, January 15, 2012

Circuit Bent Toy Keyboard

As I mentioned in my last post, I have recently taken an interest in circuit bending and experimenting with sound in general so I thought I would share my first foray into it. The toy used in the video is a cheap toy keyboard that I picked up from a goodwill for about 4 dollars. The video exists to document some interesting sounds that I was able to achieve as I was exploring the toy's circuits. I wired the bends to a potentiometer and two switches which can be seen (and heard) manipulating the sound.

Initially, I wanted to attach an output for use with an amplifier and ultimately repackage the toy into an instrument of it's own but unfortunately, shortly after the video was made the toy died which is somewhat disappointing but oh well. Expect more.

On Repeat: Kilgore Trout - Split with False Flag

Other Blogs / Sites of Interest: seeyouinsleep / BrianWilliamGreen (beautiful sounds)

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